Covingham Parish Logo

Covingham Parish Council is funded by a Precept. This is an element of the Council Tax collected by Swindon Borough Council and then passed to the Parish Council to provide services within the Parish. The amount for a Band D equivalent property for 2024/25 was set at £101.39 per annum at the Full Council Meeting held on 8th January 2024. This was an increase of £13.07 per year on the 2023/24 rate which equates to £1.09 a month or 25 pence per week.

The actual amounts paid by each council tax band are:

Band A            £72.13

Band B            £81.88

Band C            £91.63

Band D            £101.39

Band E            £120.88

Band F            £140.39

Band G           £159.89

Band H           £189.14